a2 Formula Launch

On Saturday April 20 a2 Corporation officially launched a2® PlatinumTM infant formula specifically targeted to the lucrative China market.

The first shipment is due in China in May with shipments to Australian and New Zealand supermarkets shortly after.
Infants in Australasia and China will be the first to enjoy a2® PlatinumTM infant formula which contains only the A2 form of the beta-casein protein, which is much more comparable to the protein that mothers naturally produce rather than to other
beta-casein types linked to a range of potentially adverse health conditions.
The security of the supply chain in China will be overseen by China State Farms Holding Company Shanghai (“CSF”) distributor of a2® PlatinumTM infant formula in Greater China.” a2® PlatinumTM infant formula is being packaged by New Milk Limited in Auckland with the first packaging run overseen by , CSF Chairman Xu Jun and Managing Director of a2 Corporation Geoffrey Babidge. a2 Milk is now widely distributed as a fresh milk product across Australia and the United Kingdom.

Click here for article from The Australian
